It's real
Stepping boldly into the unknown
Following the adrenaline rush and magic of candidating week, the uptempo pace seemed to continue as we concluded the church year and said our farewells to Janet and Meredith.
By July, though, everyone had flipped the switch and seemed engaged in summer. Even the members of the search committee had pretty much reintegrated into life . . .
Preparing for a new ministry
Allison's and yours
The Rev. Allison Palm will become our settled minister on August 1. How should we prepare for her ministry? What about our own ministry? Addressing those questions was the topic of my summer service on July 5. You can read my thoughts here or listen to the service at Laurie Goodman served as worship associate. — Gary Lerude
. . .The cost of a ministerial search
A summary of what we spent
The two-year search process that led to the Rev. Allison Palm cost the church $18,518, compared to the $24,000 that the congregation budgeted. The search committee spent $7,596 during our first "year" (from March of 2013, when the search committee was elected, through May of 2014). During our second year (June of 2014 through May of . . .
Report to the congregation
The second year of search
The search committee submitted the following report for the church's annual meeting on Thursday, June 4, 2015.
As you well know, on May 10 the church voted unanimously (168 to 0) to call the Reverend Allison Palm to be our next settled minister. Allison said she accepted our call 100 percent. She will join us officially on August . . .
You've got mail!
Blizzards in May
I was in Phoenix attending an annual industry conference. Early mornings to late nights, trying to keep up with the flood of new product announcements, company and client meetings, catching up with former colleagues who have shared portions of my almost 40-year career. Think of 5, 10, 20, 30-year high school or college reunions — all . . .
We called, she accepted
The Rev. Allison Palm is our new settled minister
We concluded candidating week joyously today, by unanimously voting to call the Rev. Allison Palm to be our next settled minister. She enthusiastically accepted.
After a prophetic service on how UUs live our salvation, Jed escorted Allison and Tristan across the street to Nancy's Diner, to await the outcome of the vote. . . .
Sunday we vote
What to expect
The following is from our congregation's president, Harry Purkhiser:
Dear members and friends of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Nashua,
The day we have anticipated and worked towards for over three years is fast upon us. We've done the hard work to prepare ourselves to embrace a renewed vision of our beloved . . .