Sunday we vote
What to expect
The following is from our congregation's president, Harry Purkhiser:
Dear members and friends of the Unitarian-Universalist Church of Nashua,
The day we have anticipated and worked towards for over three years is fast upon us. We've done the hard work to prepare ourselves to embrace a renewed vision of our beloved church. Our Search Committee has toiled away for three long years to bring to us a candidate that matched our needs and potentials and who shares our vision.
During the past week we've met with the candidate minister, talked with her, asked questions of her, answered her questions, dined with her, sang with her, walked with her, studied her bio and sermons — in short, we've been immersed in each other's past and present, to discern if we have a future together in shared ministry. It’s been exciting.
On Sunday, there is only one thing left for us to do. Vote!
Please arrive early for the 10:00 worship service to allow extra time for nearly 260 of us to process through voter registration. Both our Treasurer, Mike Wilt, and Clerk, Mary Licking, will be right there to adjudicate any concerns about the voting member list. You can check that list yourself here.
As you register, you will be given a paper ballot and a number. The number allows our clerk Mary Licking to confirm the number for the meeting quorum and the number of ballots assigned. The ballots are not numbered.
The Special Meeting to call a settled minister will begin immediately following the service and prior to coffee hour. The sole purpose of this meeting is to vote on the proposal of the Search Committee, so no other items of business will be addressed.
Jed has volunteered to escort the candidate from the building to await the outcome. I will call the meeting to order. Gary Lerude, Search Committee chair, will propose we call the Reverend Allison Palm as our settled minister. Because we’ve had at this week to ask questions of the Candidate, the Search Committee, and the Board, we do not anticipate any discussion. I will discuss the voting procedure and call for the vote.
After the vote is tallied and announced to the congregation, the Search Committee will advise Allison of the vote. Assuming a positive outcome, and Allison accepts the call — yes, she still has to decide — she will return to the sanctuary and address the congregation. The congregation will then adjourn to the dining room for cake and coffee while Allison and Harry sign the ministerial agreement signifying that Allison has been called.
In faith that this is the beginning of a long and satisfying relationship,
Harry Purkhiser
Unitarian-Universalist Church of Nashua
Updates and reflections from the Ministerial Search Committee