There is more love right here
Candidating week is underway
The Rev. Allison Palm began candidating week with us yesterday. If you weren't able to be in church, you can watch her sermon There Is More Love Right Here and Time for All Ages here. We appreciate Dan Murphy recording the service.
You'll find the schedule of events planned for the rest of the week here, with many all church activities where you can meet Allison:
- Tuesday, 7:00 to 9:00 pm — Meet and Greet in the church dining room. Snacks will be provided.
- Wednesday, 11:30 am to 1:00 pm — Bring Your Own Lunch. Meet in the church dining room.
- Wednesday, 6:00 to 7:30 pm — Potluck Dinner in the church dining room.
- Thursday, 6:30 to 8:00 pm — Meet and Greet in the church dining room, followed by a church tour. Snacks will be provided.
- Friday, 5:30 to 8:00 pm — Potluck and Games in the church dining room.
- Saturday, 11:00 am — Hike at Greeley Park, weather cooperating. Meet at the gazebo.
- Saturday, noon until 2:30 pm — Potluck Picnic at the gazebo in Greeley Park. If it's raining, we'll picnic in the church auditorium.
If you need childcare, please call Sherri Woolsey in the church office (882-1091) at least 24 hours before the event. If you need transportation, please email Laurie Goodman at uulaurie.goodman at gmail dot com. We can't guarantee we can arrange for these, but we'll do our best.
Next Sunday, May 10, immediately following the service, we'll hold a congregational meeting to vote on the search committee's motion to call the Rev. Allison Palm as our settled minister. Even if you are not a voting member, you are welcome to attend and watch our longstanding democratic process to call a minister.
Updates and reflections from the Ministerial Search Committee